Lara Khouri is the founder of there is no spoon, a boutique experience creation and change leadership training and consulting service provider built on the values of “passion, positivity, and putting people first”. Focusing on the big picture while always keeping an eye on how all the elements must come together, Lara’s approach is built on giving people the knowledge and tools they need to achieve their goals.

Prior to establishing there is no spoon, Lara worked with UK-headquartered blue-chip multinational organizations to elevate their marketing and business development activities by leading global change initiatives, redesigning online & offline business process, coaching & training colleagues, building & leading teams in-person & virtually, and transforming stakeholder communications.

Lara is a founding member of the global Women in CX community, a certified Co-Active® Coach, co-editor of Journey to Centricity by Ilenia Vidili, contributing author to Punk XL led by Adrian Swinscoe, and a mentor with Regent’s University London.