
Oliver Smykacz
Oliver Smykacz
Sharad Agarwal
Neil Maxwell
Neil Maxwell
Melissa Cohen
Melissa Cohen
Philip Horvath
Philip Horvath
Aga Marecka
Aga Marecka
Joleen Sheldon
Joleen Sheldon
Dajana Eder
Dajana Eder


Daniela Merlano
Daniela Merlano

Welcome to the second edition of the PEOPLE FIRST IN WEB3 SERIES of webinars organised by Conspicius and ONLYwebinars.com

We will be discussing:

✅ What does “Mindful” mean for you?

✅ How can we create a more Mindful Metaverse (Aware of caring about us and others in space, in the present times)

✅ Which are some mindfulness or wellbeing experiences you have experienced or created in Metaverse, for people out there to HEAL and ENJOY.

✅ What are IRL some practices to live or experience mindfulness.