
Alison Alexander
Alison Alexander
Amna Usman Chaudhry
Amna Usman Chaudhry
Tanya Zhelezniak
Tanya Zhelezniak
Dajana Eder
Dajana Eder
Karen OBrien
Karen OBrien
Laura Pan
Laura Pan
Jay Harris
Jay Harris
Sten Lee
Sten Lee


Sharad Agarwal

Web3 is here. It’s time to prepare for the seismic shift.

Are you ready?

The Web3 ushers in a new era of the internet characterized by decentralization, transparency, and autonomy.

As the world gravitates toward the Web3 standard, user data will increasingly be held on the blockchain or in decentralized storage solutions, which will give users more power over their data than ever before.

Blockchain technology offers:

Immutability, or the permanent, unalterable nature of a blockchain ledger

Validation, or the way in which users can verify transactions are legitimate

Disintermediation, or the absence of intermediaries between advertisers and users

Profound security, made possible by cryptography and decentralization

Ease of transfer, which makes it simple and quick to send and receive tokens.

As a result, people will be able to choose exactly which brands they consent to share data with, what data they wish to share, and for how long.

Power will finally rest with, we the people!